

So I have noticed a trend with my Blog.
I don't seem to like to write out much but I love to share stuff that I have found. Most of the items I share are videos and other bloggers stuff. I think it may be that I have always loved media. When I say media I mean any way of sharing a story or a topic through TV, Videos, Internet, Social media, music etc. I don't know if it is b/c I grew up in the time where computers and internet had just come on the scene and how it was just fascinating to me. Or maybe it was b/c me and my dad watch to many episodes of Star Trek. So whenever a new technology would come out we would always think that they stole it from Star Trek.

Well either way media play such a large part or most our lives. If that’s good or bad I leave it up to determine. Because in I know that here have been many time in my life where I have had to Fast media, because it played too big of a role in my life. But so has Food, and there has to be some balance when it comes to both.

But I just love how media can stir up people, how it can touch the heart. How it can encourage, empower, engage, and excite people.

For example if I watch a Movie that has some form a action in it, like a Jackie Chan movie, or Military flicks like Saving Private Ryan. It stirs up something inside. It makes me want to fight. It makes me want to right all the wrongs, go into battle, fight the good fight. It makes me want to get up and do something!

Or when I watch some other movies like Pixar’s UP or Toy Story 3 that make me emotional or even to the point of crying (don't even laugh, I love Cartoons…Ask my Wife). They tug at my emotions and make me feel compassion for an old man I’ve never meet (and doesn’t even exits) or feel sad when Woody finds a new home!

I just love the way these Film and other forms of media can tug at our heart strings. But that doesn’t always mean that I it is a good thing. We can use emotion to stir us, to push us, to encourage us but if that is all that we use we will be like a leaf in the wind going wherever our emotions take us…but I don’t want to talk about that yet (that will be in part 2) So there again has to be a balance.

All of this to say “I love media” and when I say love it more love when I say “I love Blue Bell Ice-cream”. It is not the same kind of love as when I say “I love my Wife, or when I say “I love my beautiful little girl, Ansley”. That kind of Love is on a whole over playing field.

Now to keep thing in perspective I do not believe that all media is good, but not all media is bad. But as Christian we must learn how to leverage this tool effectively. Not to trick someone’s with their emotions. But like it says in Heb 10:24-25...

24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
Heb 10:24-25

“…stir up one another to love and good works…” and I believe through media we can do it in an amazingly effective way.


But one more thing before you leave….So of course I want to end with a piece of "Media" that I really like. Hope it relates to what I am saying....Enjoy!

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